In many ways, incorporating a supplement into your diet can benefit your health. You can take nutritional supplements, whether your blood pressure is high or low, to help control it. Consider taking a supplement if your blood pressure is high enough that you need medication. Natural supplements are not a replacement for medication. Before taking a supplement, you should always talk to your doctor because some may interfere with drugs. A combination of drugs and a healthy diet are typically needed to manage high blood pressure while utilising High Blood Pressure Herbal Supplements.
Years spent researching magnesium as one of the dietary supplements that can lower blood pressure. According to a study, taking more magnesium for 24 weeks lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The daily dosage ranged from 500 mg to 1000 mg. Several theories explain how magnesium lowers blood pressure, including the following:
- Calcium channel blocker action
- Makes more prostaglandin
- Increases the production of nitric oxide
Red beet juice
Beetroot juice contains nitrates that help to decrease blood pressure. Many studies have shown it may lower your systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It also includes a lot of antioxidants. The betalain pigments in beetroot help reduce inflammation and shield your cells from harm, which can help control your blood pressure. Another placebo-controlled trial revealed that regular consumption of beet juice decreased systolic blood pressure in participants.
C vitamin
A vitamin C deficiency increases the chance of developing high blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure was decreased by vitamin C consumption for eight weeks, but not diastolic. High Blood Pressure Herbal Supplements are very helpful to us.The drug was for elderly hypertension patients already on the maximum recommended dose of amlodipine. The patients who received the medicine had lower blood pressure than the control group after the researchers added 600 mg of vitamin C.
Buddleia sabdariffa
B Hibiscus sabdariffa has a chemical that works as a diuretic to reduce blood pressure. Hibiscus polyphenols have antioxidant properties and lower blood pressure. For instance, persons with moderate hypertension and type 2 diabetes who drank hibiscus tea or extract had decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Another study found that people with mild hypertension who consistently drank hibiscus tea had blood pressure.
Extra Virgin Olive Leaf
Olive leaf extract can HELPS to treat cardiovascular diseases. According to a study, daily use of olive leaf extract may lower the incidence of coronary heart disease by 9–14%. Half of the 61 participants in the trial drank 20 mL of olive leaf extract every day for 16 weeks.